Edit the details of your live webinar to change its title, reschedule it, or add co­-presenters.


When changing the date and time of your webinar, you will want to send registrants an email letting them know of the change. See this guide to learn how.

To edit a webinar, follow these steps.


Step 1: In My Webinars, find the webinar you want to edit. Click Options to the right, then choose Edit Webinar from the drop-down.

Step 2: Here, you can edit any webinar details.


Rename or change the webinar title.

Add / remove presenters

Click +Add presenter to add a presenter/s:

A pop-up window will appear where you can fill out the name and email address of the presenter as well as the invitation email. Once done, click Save.

To remove or delete a presenter, click on the remove icon:

Change webinar from free to paid or vice versa.

When you're done, click Update Webinar and it's good to go!

Cancel your webinar.


To cancel your webinar, you will need to archive it instead. Click the three-dots to the right then click Archive. See this help article for reference.

For further assistance, contact us through live chat at the bottom right of this page or send us an email at support@proprofs.com.



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