How to Create Offers
Offers can be created inside the studio of your webinar.
Entering the Studio
For Live and Hybrid webinars, you can enter the studio by going to My Webinars page then clicking Enter Studio.

For Automated webinars and Series webinars, click Show All then click the Enter Studio icon.

In the webinar studio, you’ll find the Offers area on the right side of the page.
Setting up Offers
To set up an offer, click the Offers tab, then click Create New Offer.

Enter a title for your Offer.

Enter a headline and/or description (both are optional).

Enter the button text and the URL to which the button links. The URL must start with "http://" or "https://".

You can also add an image in . JPG or .PNG format, of up to 25 MB.

You can add a new image from your computer, or select a previously added image from your library.

Click Save at the bottom of the page.

The Offer will remain hidden from attendees until it is enabled.

You can find options for removing, editing, and setting the timer of the Offer underneath the Offer name.

Showing Offers.
To manually show an Offer to attendees, click the toggle button next to it.
Pro tip: Keep your polls, offers, and handouts available on the replay by toggling them on before ending a webinar. Toggling them off won't show them in the replay.

Alternatively, you can set a timer for your Offer so it automatically displays at a time of your choosing during the webinar.
Click the clock icon. Choose the particular time in which you want your offer to show during the webinar.
Once set, the offer will automatically appear at the particular time you set it to.

To add another Offer, click Add New Offer at the bottom.

For further assistance, contact us through live chat at the bottom right of this page or send us an email at