How to Allow Presenter Requests from Attendees
You have the option of letting attendees present to the rest of the audience as a Presenter during the webinar.
This is possible if you first enable the feature that allows attendees to request to be presenters. You can do this from the webinar studio.
Presenter options
In addition to being able to speak on camera, presenters can also share their screen.

Only the host can:
Present slides
Play videos
Change the screen layout
Answer Questions
Create polls
Create offers
Create Handouts.
To enable presenter requests
Step 1: From My Webinars, find the webinar for which you want to enable requests, then click Enter Studio to the right.

Step 2: In the webinar Studio under the Chat tab, click the ellipsis (...) icon on the right.

Then click the checkbox, "Allow attendees to request to be a presenter".

You can also toggle this setting in Studio Settings.
Click the gear icon on the left sidebar, go to Advanced Settings, and click the toggle next to "Allow attendees to request to become Presenters".
Click Save Settings to save the changes.

That's it! Attendees on the webinar will now be able to ask you to let them present.
If someone requests to be a presenter, you can choose to let them be seen and heard by the rest of the audience, or not. It’s up to you!
Attendees can request to become presenters by clicking the '+' button on the Chat area, then clicking Ask to become a Presenter.

A popup window will appear on your screen to either accept or decline the request.

When you click Accept, the presenter will see a popup window to set up their mic and camera, and test their connection. Once they're all set, they can click Start Presenting, and their live video stream will appear on the webinar.

To change layouts
Make your presenter fullscreen by clicking the arrows over their live video stream.

Click the arrows again to exit fullscreen.

Or choose the layout you prefer.

To end presenter stream:
Click the red button over the Presenter's live video stream.

Alternatively, you can click the head icon on the left sidebar.

From there, open the Presenting tab, then click End next to the Presenter's name.

For further assistance, contact us through live chat at the bottom right of this page or send us an email at