Pre-Broadcast Checklist for Courses | How to Prepare for Live Courses
It's best to be prepared before starting the broadcast of your course. No worries! We got you covered here so that you'll be all set and good to go.
We recommend entering the session room 15-30 minutes before the scheduled time. This way, you get to familiarize the tools and prepare yourself.
To enter the session room on the My Courses page, find the course that you're going to run and click Enter Session Room.
Configure Session Room Settings
Video and Audio
A window will pop up, in which you can test your devices. Here you'll find the microphone meter and camera preview, as well as the Test button for your audio output.
Choose the camera and mic that you prefer. The camera and mic that are detected by your browser can be used inside the session room.

Advanced Settings
Here you can toggle on or off certain features inside the session room. Such as the Chat Area, Questions Area, etc. you can also hide the Attendee Count.

Connection test
You can test your connection from inside the session room. Click the Test Connection tab then click Run Test. It will check your connection to our servers, as well as the quality of your audio and video stream.

Ideal results:
Supported: Yes
Quality: Good or Excellent
Packet Loss: less than 0.5%
Bitrate: more than 30 KB for audio, more than 1000 KB for video
Supported Resolution: 1280x720 @ 30 fps
If Supported: No, make sure your mic and camera are both connected and allowed for your browser to use.
Results other than the above may lead to some impairments in audio or video and some momentary disruptions.
Note: The video quality of a live session dynamically adjusts based on the strength of the host's network connectivity.
If the host has very little bandwidth, behavior can be unpredictable. Video may be choppy, audio may have artifacts, and the connection could be dropped. The same goes for attendees if their bandwidth drops below a certain threshold
When you’re all set and ready to meet your students, click Enter Session Room.
Start the Session
Once you're ready, click Start Broadcast, found in the upper right corner of the video screen. This will automatically start recording your session.
Please note that you can only start the broadcast once the course is published, from up to 30 minutes before the start time. Beyond 30 minutes, the Start Broadcast is grayed out.
Clicking Start Broadcast before the scheduled time will require confirmation. Once you start broadcasting, you will not be able to restart.
End the session
When you’re all done, simply click Stop Broadcast.
General tips
We recommend at least 1 Mbps of upload and download speed for each stream (e.g. host's camera, shared screen, etc.).
Ensure a strong and stable internet connection. It is recommended that you broadcast from a device hardwired to the Internet. If you can only connect through Wi-Fi, be sure that your signal is at 100% and stay as close to your router as possible.
Close any programs running on your computer that you do not need for your session, to avoid their consuming needed bandwidth.
Supported browsers
Desktop and laptop computers.
Edge, version 79 and up
Safari, version 13 and up*
*Allow browser access to the screen by going to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Screen Recording.
Mobile devices
Chrome for Android
Firefox for Android
Safari for iOS*
*Screen sharing is not supported and will not work for hosts in Safari for iOS.
For further assistance, contact us through live chat at the bottom right of this page or send us an email at