How to Translate Webinar Assets into Other Languages


WebinarNinja's default language for landing pages and email notifications is English, but you can customize these elements to your preferred language. This capability helps tailor your webinars for diverse audiences.


Industrial Use Case: A global tech company hosting webinars in multiple languages can localize their content to effectively engage international clients and stakeholders.



1. Enhanced Engagement: Tailor content to various language speakers to increase attendee interaction.

2. Improved Accessibility: Make your webinars accessible to a broader audience by translating essential information.


Editing Webinar Assets:


Editing the Registration Page and Thank You Page: You can translate the following elements on your Registration page and Thank You page:

  • Headline
  • Webinar Title
  • Bullet Points Section (not available on the Minimal template)
  • About Host Section (not available on the Minimal template)
  • Testimonials Section (only available on the Neat template)


Note: Some sections are static and cannot be modified.




2. Embedding a Registration Form on Your Website: Customize the registration form, including the button text, to align with your website's language.


Guide: [Embedding a registration form]


3. Editing Auto-Generated Email Notifications: You can fully customize email notifications to help registrants understand the webinar details, despite some elements of WebinarNinja remaining untranslated.


Guide: [Editing auto-generated email notifications]



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