How to Change Your Date and Time Settings
Once you've created your WebinarNinja account, one of the first orders of business is setting your timezone and date/time format.
Step 1: Click the Account Settings icon on the sidebar.

Click Date and Time.

Step 2: Make changes to your preference.
Select your timezone region.

Specify your timezone.

Choose a date format.

Choose between a 24-hour or 12-hour time format.

Step 3: Click Update Settings.

These settings are now applied to your account. All of the dates and times throughout the platform will be displayed according to your settings.
The date and time on the registration pages for your webinars are also shown according to your settings. However, visitors can convert the date and time to their timezone with a simple click.

Daylight Saving
Whenever Daylight Saving takes effect, the timezone in your account adjusts automatically. However, upcoming webinars in your account will remain in their original schedule.
You will need to reschedule your webinar when clocks are shifted.
For those who are in Arizona, USA where Daylight Saving is not observed, you can use the timezone, America/Phoenix -07:00 Mountain Time. It remains at -07:00 throughout the year.

For further assistance, contact us through live chat at the bottom right of this page or send us an email at