Course Statistics Overview
A quick glance at your courses’ statistics is available on your CourseNinja dashboard.
Here you'll a graph that shows the visualization of the following statistics:
Revenue - The total amount generated by paid courses.
Total Students - The number of students registered for ALL free and paid courses.
Paid Students - The total number of students registered for paid courses.
The Active Students section to the right of the graph shows a list of students who registered and participated the most in your course’s sessions.

You can choose to view specific information with the filter selection above the page:
Courses: Show data for All Courses, Published, Past, or Archived
Date range: Show data for All Time, Last 1 Week, Last 1 Month, or Last 1 Year
Students and Stats Page
From the My Courses page, scroll down to see the list of your courses.
Choose the course you want to check. Click Manage Course then click Students and Stats.

You can also click the graph icon on the left sidebar.

...then choose the course you want to check from the drop-down menu.

Students and Attendees List
Export and check the list of all your students and attendees here, with their names and email address, along with the date they enrolled, and if they attended your session.

To the far right of each enrollee is the option to deregister them from your course.

To export the student list click on Export CSV.

For further assistance, contact us through live chat at the bottom right of this page or send us an email at